Articles 201 - 225 of 267 by " Razvan Voican"

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lucreaza la Ziarul Financiar din octombrie 2000;
-Facultatea de Relatii Internationale - ASE;
-Liceul Mihai Viteazul - Bucuresti
nascut la 11 iunie 1977, Bucuresti
Austria’s Central Bank Forces BCR, UniCredit and Raiffeisen To Find Their Own Financing Sources
22 nov 2011
Erste Group, UniCredit Bank Austria, and Raiffeisen Bank International-- the respective owners of Romanian lenders BCR, UniCredit Tiriac Bank and Raiffeisen Bank Romania--will only increase lending in more
Consequences Of Romania’s Failure To Borrow Money From The US Market
22 nov 2011
The pressure on leu interests will go up again and the government will remain trapped in short-term funding on the local market. In a worst case scenario, Romania might end up borrowing money from the more
Romania Fails To Sell EUR1B Bonds In The US
18 nov 2011
The Finance Ministry picked a really bad moment to try to sell bonds on the U.S. market and had to postpone the loan. Romania intended to borrow between $1 billion and $2 billion from the U.S more
ING: No Chance For Cheaper Retail Loans
18 nov 2011
A higher appetite for saving money rather than borrowing it, more inquiries about leu loans, the lack of prospects for cheaper loans in general and the decline of the consumer lending market because more
BRD Buys Back RON735M Bonds And Prepares EMTN
17 nov 2011
BRD-Societe Generale (BRD.RO), the second-largest bank on the local market, will on December 12 buy back RON735 million worth of bonds issued five years ago at a fixed interest rate of 7.75% per year, more
CEC Attacks The Market Of Leu-Denominated Mortgage Loans With 5.97% Interest
14 nov 2011
State-held CEC Bank is selling until January 15 2012 leu-denominated mortgage loans with a fixed interest of 5.97% in the first year, after which it charges a margin of just 1.75 percent above more
The Bridge Bank, An Invention That Could See The Government Spend Money To Save Failed Banks
11 nov 2011
The bridge bank – the latest concept of financial institution to be launched on the Romanian market – is a lending institution that could appear on the market when the National Bank of Romania more
Over 700,000 Romanians Have Past Due Debts With Banks Totaling RON7 Bln
10 nov 2011
Past due payments on individual loans exceeded the 7 billion lei (EUR1.6 billion) mark in September, rising 42% in the past year. The volume of overdue household loans tripled against September 2009. more
Central Bank Does Not See Net Capital Outflows, But Considers Risk Of Lending Decline
9 nov 2011
The National Bank monitors banks’ liquidity and solvency and has so far noticed no net capital outflows, but does not rule out such moves occurring in the future. more
Romania Will Have Restructuring Fund To Stabilize Ailing Banks
7 nov 2011
Romania’s central bank has prepared the legislation enabling Romania to have a bank restructuring fund, whose resources will be possible to use to finance the measures taken to stabilize a troubled more
Negritoiu, ING: Can't Build Walls To Keep Capital In
2 nov 2011
The scenario under which foreign banks will reduce their exposure to Romania because of capital needs is already likely to become reality, not just a risk, and capital repatriations can be stopped by more
Third Quarter Macroeconomic Data Restores Analyst Optimism About Full-Year Growth
1 nov 2011
The better than expected economic growth in the third quarter, which President Traian Basescu puts at 3%, is driving analysts’ estimates for the entire year up towards 2% compared with 1.5% as more
President Basescu, Finance Ministry, BNR Ask EU In Unison To Persuade Banks Not To Withdraw Capital
27 oct 2011
The risk of foreign banks starting to repatriate capital has alarmed the authorities so much that President Traian Basescu, the Finance Ministry and the National Bank (BNR) are talking in unison about more
Romania Among Most Vulnerable Countries If Euro Zone Banks Repatriate Capital
27 oct 2011
Romania is the fourth most vulnerable country if euro zone banks decide to cut their exposure, with debts to such lenders amounting to around 38% of GDP, according to an analysis of UK’s Barclays more
Romania Needs New Vienna Agreement To Prevent Banks From Taking Money Out
25 oct 2011
Threatened by a new wave of recession, Romania is faced with the real danger of foreign banks halting financing; the leaders of the euro zone should find a solution resembling the former Vienna more
Alpha, Bancpost Merger Creates One Big Bank With EUR7B Loans And Just EUR3.1B Deposits
24 oct 2011
Alpha Bank Romania and Bancpost, two top 10 banks in Romania, and their clients were set to find out on Monday what the merger of their parent banks would look like, in the wake of the extraordinary more
In The Rush For Cash Banks Would Pay Just Anything To Get It
19 oct 2011
Inflation continued to decline fast in the last few months, going below 4%, yet many banks continue to pay over 7% yearly interests to keep their clients and compensate for the lesser support from more
Pascariu: The Crisis Endgame Will Be Scary, But Not Fatal
15 oct 2011
The uncontrollable dynamics of the current economic crisis naturally causes fear, but the Western Europe will ultimately find solutions and avoid a catastrophe, even though costs may be high, says Dan more
RBS: Leu To Fare Better Than Zloty And Forint
27 sep 2011
The Romanian central bank (BNR) wants to keep the leu/euro exchange rate stable, limit its volatility in order to create the framework for economic growth, and has sufficient forex reserves (EUR36.8 more
Crisis On Foreign Markets Leaves Its Mark On Romania
26 sep 2011
The cost of insuring Romania against default risk, reflected in CDS rates, reached a high of 478 basis points (4.78 percent), up by around 125 points in just one week, i.e. nearly 200 points higher more
Garanti: New Lending Rules To Cause Decline, Market Will Adjust Though
23 sep 2011
The new regulations Romania’s central bank (BNR) has prepared for household lending will certainly lead to a decline of the retail banking business, says Murat Atay, general manager of Garanti Bank more
Raiffeisen’s Treasury Head Pleads For Lower Leu Interest Rates
23 sep 2011
Romania is in the odd situation where transactions are concluded in lei, but many prices are set directly in euros, so that the economy is basically relying on the euro, so why should leu-denominated more
Central Bank Is Late To Discourage Foreign Currency Lending, Doesn’t Go All The Way
22 sep 2011
On a market where loans in foreign currency account for two thirds of overall household lending, the National Bank of Romania (BNR) wants to discourage foreign currency loans, especially mortgage more
Lending Freeze Turns Romanians Into Net Creditors Of Banks
21 sep 2011
The slow pace of lending and a higher interest in saving money turned Romanians into net creditors of banks, a position they have kept since last December. The gap between deposits and debts to the more
Garanti Head: Turning From Branch To Local Bank Accountable For 2010 Losses
19 sep 2011
Less than a year after starting operations as a Romanian bank, Garanti Bank recorded profit, in line with the bank’s medium and long term international strategy, says Murat Atay, the bank’s more