Articles 451 - 475 of 1017 by " Roxana Rosu"
Roxana Roşu a venit la Ziarul Financiar după o experienţă de mai bine de 7 ani la agenţia de presă Mediafax, unde a debutat ca reporter pe turism. Şi-a început cariera în jurnalism imediat după terminarea facultăţii.
După câţiva ani în care a scris despre succesul sau eşecul diverselor afaceri din industria locală şi a aşteptat cu nerăbdare realizarea marilor proiecte anunţate de diverşi miniştri, resemnându-se în final că nu va vedea niciun Dracula Park pe litoral, a început să scrie şi pe alte domenii. Astfel a urmat o perioadă de familiarizare cu industrii diverse, în special din perspectiva financiară.
Următorul pas a fost să devină editor în Departamentul Economic al agenţiei şi apoi al noii divizii ZF Corporate lansată de Ziarului Financiar.
Din poziţia de editor ZF Corporate, Roxana are grijă ca ştirile zilei să ajungă cât mai repede la cititori, dar şi ca abonaţii ZF Corporate să fie primii care primesc informaţiile de business de care au nevoie în fiecare zi.
Roxana a absolvit Facultatea de Jurnalism din cadrul Universităţii Bucureşti şi crede că, dacă ar putea alege din nou, ar urma acelaşi drum.
Romanian DRUID Set to Integrate OpenAI ChatGPT in Own Platform
25 iul 2023
DRUID, the startup launched by Liviu Dragan, will integrate OpenAI ChatGPT via Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service in its own platform. more
Teraplast Ends 1H/2023 with RON320M Consolidated Turnover, Down 14%, Losses of almost RON1M
25 iul 2023
Teraplast group in the first half of this year posted consolidated turnover of RON320.5 million, down 14%, and RON23.2 million EBITDA, 35% lower, amid limited demand, but the activity of companies more
Finance Ministry Raises RON603M From Banks On July 20
20 iul 2023
Romania's Finance Ministry raised RON603 million from banks on Thursday, July 20, selling government paper in two auctions, at annual average yields of 6.50% and 6.22%. more
Agroland Invests RON20M In Feed Plant In Isalnita
20 iul 2023
Agroland Business System (AG.RO), a Romanian entrepreneurial retail, agribusiness and food group, which owns the largest farming supplies store chain in Romania, has inaugurated its feed plant in more
World Bank Puts Romania Among High-Income Countries
18 iul 2023
World Bank placed Romania among high income countries in 2022, i.e., those with an average income per capita of more than $13,846, along with other 82 countries and territories. more
Law Firm ZRVP Represented TTS In Acquisition Of Port Operator Decirom
17 iul 2023
Law firm Zamfirescu Racoti Vasile & Partners (ZRVP) represented Transport Trade Services (TTS) in its acquisition of Decirom, a port operator in Constanta. more
Georgiana Radu Returns To Lidl Romania After Three Years With Lidl Germany
17 iul 2023
Lidl Romania appointed Georgiana Radu national procurement and marketing manager as of September, who spent the past three years with the procurement and marketing team of Lidl Germany. more
Flanco 1H/2023 Sales Up 30% To RON600M
13 iul 2023
Electronics retailer Flanco ended the first half of 2023 with RON600 million sales, up 30% from the year-earlier period. more
Beer Sales in Romania Down 9% in Jan-May 2023
11 iul 2023
Beer sales in Romania in the first five months of 2023 slid by 9% from the year-earlier period, maintaining the 2022 downward trend, at a faster pace, in line with data provided by the Romanian more
Statistics Board Upwardly Revises Romania’s 1Q/2023 GDP Growth
7 iul 2023
Romania’s statistics board INS upwardly reviewed the country’s economic growth for the first quarter of 2023 against the fourth quarter of 2022, to 0.2%, from 0.1% in June, but also against the more
TotalEnergies Buys Five Photovoltaic Projects From PNE In NW Romania
4 iul 2023
French-held TotalEnergies has bought a portfolio of five solar projects with a total capacity of more than 200 MW located in north-western Romania from Germany’s PNE, after taking over a similar more
Industrial Production Prices Up 7.7% In May 2023 Over May 2022
4 iul 2023
Romania's industrial production prices for the total (domestic market and non–domestic market) increased by 7.7% in May 2023 compared with May 2022, data from Romania’s National Statistics more
UniCredit: Romania To See Higher Than Region Average Economic Growth In 2023
3 iul 2023
UniCredit analysts expect the economies in EU-CEE and the Western Balkans to grow by around 1.6% in 2023 and 3.1% in 2024, with Romania outperforming, and Czech Republic and Hungary lagging, the bank more
Romania Ranks Last in EU in Packaging Waste Recycling
29 iun 2023
Romania ranks last in the EU when it comes to packaging waste recycling, with the percentage dropping in 2020 to 39%, almost 5% less than in 2019, in line with the latest European statistical data more
Former Odeon Theatre of Galati Put Up for Sale for EUR690,000
29 iun 2023
The building of former Odeon theatre of Galati, an iconic building of the city, has been put up for sale at the price of EUR690,000, with the auction being organized by Romania Sotheby’s more
Sameday Ends 1Q/2023 with 11% Turnover Growth
13 iun 2023
Delivery service company Sameday ended the first quarter of 2023 with an 11% turnover increase after revenues went up by 23% in 2022 to RON736 million. more
NBR Survey: Banks Tightened Lending Standards in 1Q/2023
9 iun 2023
Romania lending institutions in the first quarter of 2023 tightened lending standards for all loan categories amid expectations about the overall economic situation, monetary or macroprudential policy more
SeedBlink Expands Foothold in Germany, Austria, Switzerland
8 iun 2023
SeedBlink platform is expanding its presence in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, where it wants to invest over EUR1.5 million in 2023 in eight startups and twice as much in 2024. more
Musette Founders Set to Invest in Energoloop Startup
8 iun 2023
Cristina Batlan and Roberto Batlan, the founders of footwear and accessories brand Musette, are investing in Energoloop startup, founded in partnership with Eduard Fariseu, which operates as a more
Romania Forex Reserves Shrink To EUR53.08B On Month In May 2023
2 iun 2023
Romania's foreign exchange reserves stood at EUR53.08 billion in May 2023, lower than the EUR53.34 billion in April, central bank data showed on Friday (June 2). more
Greece’s AVAX Signs EUR673.5M Contract With MGH For New Mintia Power Plant
31 mai 2023
Greece’s AVAX Group has signed a EUR673.5 million contract with Iraq’s Mass Group Holding (MGH) to design, build and make operational the combined cycle power plant in Mintia, near Deva, it more
Healthcare Network Regina Maria Invests over EUR3M in Biggest Regional Lab
31 mai 2023
Healthcare network Regina Maria has invested over EUR3 million in the largest regional lab, located in Cluj-Napoca, a city where the company has so far poured around EUR25 million. more
Footprints AI: Shopping Basket Monthly Average Value Up 10-15% in 2022
31 mai 2023
The monthly average value of the shopping basket went up by 10-15% in 2022, with foodstuffs and consumer goods prevailing, reveals an analysis by Footprints AI, a Romanian company that operates one of more
Logistic Firm Expansion Props Warehousing Space Demand in 1Q/2023
30 mai 2023
Logistic companies’ expansion supported demand on Romania’s warehousing space market, which in the first three months of 2023 totaled over 330,000 square meters, up 10% from the year-earlier more
Fortim Trusted Advisors: Bucharest Still Most Dynamic City in Office Leasing
30 mai 2023
Bucharest remains the most dynamic city in the area of office leasing, but its weight in overall deals shrank in 1Q/2023 to 75% from 84% in the year-earlier period, with companies also focusing on more