Results 451 - 475 from 1294 for "bonds"
Laptaria cu Caimac Bonds Start Trading on Bucharest Stock Exchange Tuesday
Bonds issued by Agroserv Mariuta, the dairy processor Laptaria cu Caimac, will start trading on the Bucharest Stock Exchange Tuesday, December 8, under the ticker symbol MILK25E. more
Romania Rejects All Bids for Oct 2034 Bonds
Romania's finance ministry on Monday rejected all bids at a tender where it planned to raise 300 million lei (EUR61.5 million) selling bonds maturing in October 2034, central bank data showed. more
Govt Bonds For General Population Sold In Nov By Finance Ministry Start Trading On Stock Market On Dec 7
The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) on Friday said the three issues of government bonds for the general population, within the FIDELIS program carried out on the capital market by the Finance Ministry more
Romania Raises RON500M Selling Oct 2030 Bonds at 3.34% Average Yield
Romania's finance ministry on Thursday raised a planned RON500 million (EUR102.6 million) selling bonds maturing in October 2030 at an average yield of 3.34% a year, central bank data showed. more
Romania Raises RON7.9B and EUR2.5B in November
Romania's finance ministry raised RON7.86 billion selling bonds on the domestic market in November, 55.4% above plan, plus EUR2.5 billion from international markets. more
Investors Bought RON2.7B Worth of Govt Bonds in November Program
Individual investors bought RON2.7 billion million worth of Fidelis government bonds for the general population in the three-week subscription period ended Friday. more
Romania Rejects All Bids for Euro-Denominated Apr 2025 Bonds
Romania's finance ministry on Thursday rejected all bids at a tender where it targeted raising EUR500 million selling April 2025 euro-denominated bonds on the local market, central bank data showed. more
Romania Raises RON461M Selling Sept 2031 Bonds at 3.42% Average Yield
Romania's finance ministry on Monday raised 461 million lei (EUR94.6 million), versus its RON300 million target, selling bonds maturing in September 2031 at an average yield of 3.42%, central bank more
Romania Raises RON537M Selling Oct 2030 Bonds At 3.31% Average Yield
Romania's finance ministry on Thursday raised 537 million lei (EUR70.3 million), above the RON300 million level planned, selling bonds maturing in October 2030, at an average yield of 3.31%, central more
Investors Bought RON805M Worth Of Govt Bonds In Eight Days
Individual investors bought RON804.7 million worth of Fidelis government bonds for the general population during an eight-day period, from November 9 until November 18, 2020, brokers' data showed. more
Romania Raises RON342.5M Selling Oct 2034 Bonds at 3.65% Average Yield
Romania's finance ministry on Monday raised 342.5 million lei (EUR70.3 million), out of RON400 million planned, selling bonds maturing in October 2034 at an average yield of 3.65%, central bank data more
Investors Bought RON0.5B Worth of Govt Bonds in First Week
Individual investors bought RON500 million worth of Fidelis government bonds for the general population in the first week of the offer running until November 27, brokers' data showed. more
Romania Raises RON500M Selling June 2026 Bonds at 3.01% Average Yield
Romania's finance ministry on Thursday raised a planned 500 million lei (EUR102.7 million) selling a new issue of bonds maturing in June 2026 at an average yield of 3.01% and a cut-off yield of 3.05%, more
Romania Fidelis Bond Subscriptions Reach RON300M in 3 Days
Individual investors bought nearly RON300 million worth of Fidelis government bonds for the general population in the three days since the offer was launched. more
Romanians Bought RON145M Worth of Govt Bonds in Two Days
Individual investors bought RON145 million worth of government bonds for the general population in the two days since the issue was launched. more
Romania Raises RON923.9M Selling January 2028 Bonds at 3.04% Average Yield
Romania's finance ministry on Monday raised 923.9 million lei (EUR189.8 million), versus RON600 million planned, selling bonds maturing in January 2028 at an average yield of 3.04%, central bank data more
Romania Launches Second Issue of Bonds in Lei and Euro for General Population
Romania's finance ministry returns to the capital market with three new issues of government bonds for retail investors, following the success of the public sale offer (IPO) conducted in August. more
Romania Raises EUR1.64B Selling Nov 2022 Bonds at 0.39% Average Yield
Romania's finance ministry on Tuesday raised EUR1.647 billion, more than double its target, selling euro-denominated bonds maturing in November 2022 on the local market at an average yield of 0.39%, more
Romania Raises RON415.5M Selling Oct 2030 Bonds at 3.56% Average Yield
Romania's finance ministry on Monday raised 415.5 million lei (EUR85.2 million), versus its RON300 million target, selling bonds maturing in October 2030 at an average yield of 3.56%, central bank more
Romania Raises RON968M Selling Oct 2023 Bonds at 3.07% Average Yield
Romania's finance ministry on Thursday raised 968 million lei (EUR198.6 million), versus a RON700 million target, selling bonds maturing in October 2023 at an average yield of 3.07%, central bank data more
Ready Office Rent Bonds Debut on Bucharest Stock Exchange Tuesday
Bonds issued by real estate leasing and sub-lease company Ready Office Rent (ROR22) will start trading on the market segment dedicated to bonds of the Bucharest stock market's Multilateral Trading more
Romania Raises RON324.7M Selling October 2034 Bonds at 3.93% Average Yield
Romania's finance ministry on Monday raised 324.7 million lei (EUR66.6 million), versus a RON300 million target, selling bonds maturing in October 2034 at an average yield of 3.93%, central bank data more
Romania Raises RON675M Selling March 2022 Bonds at 2.9% Average Yield
Romania's finance ministry on Monday raised 675 million lei (EUR138.55 million) selling government bonds maturing in March 2022 at an average yield of 2.9% a year, central bank data showed. more
BT Capital Partners To Broker Private Placement For EUR3M Bonds Of Laptaria cu Caimac Dairy Brand
BT Capital Partners has been designated as licensed and intermediary consultant with a view to carrying out a public offering of bonds worth maximum EUR3 million, issued by Agroserv Mariuta, the more
Romania Raises RON1B Selling July 2025 Bonds at 3.22% Average Yield
Romania's finance ministry on Thursday raised a little over 1 billion lei (EUR215 million), above its RON700 million target, selling bonds maturing in July 2025 at an average yield of 3.22%, central more