Results 1 - 25 from 86 for "current account deficit"
Romania Ends 2024 With Current Account Deficit Of EUR29.3B, Higher By EUR7.8B vs 2023
Romania ended 2024 with a current account deficit of EUR29.3 billion, higher by nearly EUR7.8 billion than in 2023, central bank data showed on Thursday (Feb. 13, 2025). more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Widens To EUR27B YoY In January-November 2024
Romania's current account deficit stood at EUR26.3 billion in January-November 2024, higher by nearly EUR7 billion than the EUR19.7 billion level reported in the same period of 2023, central bank data more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Widens To EUR24.2B YoY In January-October 2024
Romania's current account deficit stood at EUR24.2 billion in January-October 2024, compared with EUR18.4 billion reported in the same period of 2023, considering that the deficit from the more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Widens To EUR19.7B In January-September 2024
Romania's current account deficit stood at EUR19.7 billion in January-September 2024, compared with EUR16 billion reported in the same period of 2023, central bank data showed on Wednesday (Nov 13, more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Widens To EUR15B In January-July 2024
Romania's current account deficit stood at EUR15 billion in January-July 2024, compared with EUR11.3 billion reported in the same period of 2023, central bank data showed on Friday (Sept 13, 2024). more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Widens To EUR12.17B In January-June 2024
Romania's current account deficit stood at EUR12.17 billion in January-June 2024, higher by EUR3 billion than the level recorded in the same period of 2023, central bank data showed on Tuesday (August more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Widens 34% YoY To EUR9.17B In January-May 2024
Romania's current account deficit stood at EUR9.17 billion in January-May 2024, higher by 34% than the EUR6.8 billion level recorded in the same period of 2023, central bank data showed on Monday more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Widens 26% YoY To EUR6.5B In January-April 2024
Romania's current account deficit stood at EUR6.5 billion in January-March 2024, higher by nearly EUR1.5 billion (+26%) compared to the level reported in the same period of 2023, central bank data more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Edges Down YoY To EUR3.94B In January-March 2024
Romania's current account deficit stood at EUR3.94 billion in January-March 2024, slightly lower than the EUR3.96 billion level reported in the same period of 2023, central bank data showed on Tuesday more
Romania’s Current Account Deficit Rises 25% To EUR2.7B In January-February 2024
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR2.7 billion in January-February 2024, 25% higher than in the year-ago period, central bank data showed on Friday (April 12, 2024). more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Nearly Doubles YoY To EUR1.35B In January 2024
Romania's current account deficit stood at EUR1.35 billion in January 2024, almost double the EUR760 million level reported in January 2023, central bank data showed on Friday (March 15, 2024). more
Romania Ends 2023 With Current Account Deficit Of EUR22.69B, Down 12% YoY
Romania ended 2023 with a current account deficit of EUR22.69 billion, down 12% from EUR26 billion at the of 2022, central bank data showed on Tuesday (February 13, 2024). more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Shrinks 17% YoY To EUR20.2B In January-November 2023
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR20.2 billion in January-November 2023, lower than the EUR24.3 billion level reported in the same period of 2022, central bank data showed on more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Shrinks 20% YoY To EUR18.3B In January-October 2023
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR18.3 billion in January-October 2023, lower by 20% than the EUR22.9 billion level reported in the same period of 2022, central bank data showed more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Shrinks To EUR16B YoY In January-September 2023
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR16.05 billion in January-September 2023, lower by 24% than the EUR21.14 billion level reported in the same period of 2022, central bank data more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Shrinks To EUR13.7B YoY In January-August 2023
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR13.7 billion in January-August 2023, lower than the EUR18.5 billion level reported in the same period of 2022, central bank data showed on more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Contracts To EUR11.89B YoY In January-July 2023
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR11.89 billion in January-July 2023, lower than the EUR15.2 billion level reported in the same period of 2022, central bank data showed on more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Shrinks To EUR9.82B YoY In January-June 2023
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR9.82 billion in January-June 2023, lower than the EUR11.9 billion in the same period of 2022, central bank data showed on Monday (August 14, more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Shrinks To EUR8.27B YoY In January-May 2023
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR8.27 billion in January-May 2023, lower by EUR1.66 billion (-16.7%) than the EUR9.93 billion level reported in the same period of 2022, central more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Shrinks To EUR5.46B YoY In January-April 2023
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR5.46 billion in January-April 2023, lower by EUR2.2 billion than EUR7.71 billion in the same period of 2022, central bank data showed on more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Shrinks 7.8% YoY To EUR5B In January-March 2023
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR5 billion in January-March 2023, lower by 7.8% than EUR5.42 billion in the same period of 2022, central bank data showed on Monday (May 15, more
Isarescu Says Romania Must Tackle Fiscal Deficit And Current Account Deficit Problems In Coming Period
Romania is the only country in the European Union (EU) facing the excessive deficit procedure, therefore, it must carry out a fiscal adjustment process which is essential, the country's central bank more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Shrinks 17% YoY To EUR2.61B In Jan-Feb 2023
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR2.61 billion in January-February 2023, lower by 17% than EUR3.15 billion in the same period of 2022, central bank data showed on Thursday more
Romania Posts Budget Deficit Of RON17B, Or 1.07% Of GDP, YoY In Jan-Feb 2023
Romania’s general consolidated budget posted a deficit of RON17.04 billion in January-February 2023, or 1.07% of gross domestic product (GDP), according to the finance ministry. more
Romania's Current Account Deficit Shrinks To EUR949M YoY In January 2023
Romania's current account balance posted a deficit of EUR949 million in January 2023, 15% lower than in January 2022, central bank data showed on Thursday (March 16, 2023). more