Results 26 - 29 from 29 for "start"
EY: 52% Of Romanian Students Willing To Start Up A Business In Next Two Years
More than half of Romanian students plan to set up their own business in the next two years and supporting entrepreneurship represents a solution that should be considered when tackling youth more
Romania, At EU’s Periphery By Number Of SMEs
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the sector that is supposed to fuel the economic growth, are a priority only in politicians’ statements. In figures, Romania ranks 26th in the EU by the more
Rombat Wants To Collaborate With Large Carmakers After Opening Its New EUR17M Plant
Romanian car battery maker Rombat Bistrita, owned by South African group Metair, said it plans to collaborate with large carmakers BMW, Audi and Mercedes after it completed its EUR17 million more
Romania To Use Integrated System For Tourist Registration Starting December
The integrated system for tourist registration (SIET), which will be used to register “in real time” all tourists lodged in hotels and boarding houses, will become operational starting December, more