Results 101 - 125 from 262 for "unemployment"
Romania Unemployment Rate At 3.9% In November 2018
Romania Q3 Unemployment Rate at 3.9%
Romania's unemployment rate stood at 3.9% in the third quarter, down 0.2 percentage points compared with the second quarter, data from the country's statistics board showed Friday. more
Romania Unemployment Rate at 4% in October
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate inched up to 4% in October from 3.9% in September, data from the country's statistics board showed Thursday. more
Romania Unemployment Rate At 4.1% In September 2018
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate stood at 4.1% in September 2018, 0.2 percentage points lower than in August, data from the country's statistics board showed Wednesday. more
Romania Unemployment Rate At 4.3% In August 2018
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate stood at 4.3% in August 2018, 0.1 percentage points higher than in July, data from the country's statistics board showed Monday. more
Romania Unemployment Rate at 4.1% in 2Q/2018
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate stood at 4.1% in the second quarter of 2018, 0.6 percentage points lower than in the first quarter, data from the country's statistics board showed more
Eurostat: Romania Stays Among EU Countries With Lowest Unemployment Rates
Romania Unemployment Rate Flat At 4.2% In July
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate remained unchanged at 4.2% in July 2018 compared with June, data from the country's statistics board showed Friday. more
Eurostat: Romania Ranks 8th Among EU Countries With Lowest Unemployment Rates
Romania Unemployment Rate Dips To 4.5% in June
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell slightly to 4.5% in June from 4.6% in May, data from the country's statistics board showed Tuesday. more
Romania Unemployment Rate Flat at 4.6% in May
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate remained unchanged at 4.6% in May compared with April, data from the country's statistics board showed Monday. more
Romania Unemployment Rate At 4.7% In 1Q/2018
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate stood at 4.7% in the first quarter of 2018, unchanged from the level registered in the previous quarter, the country's statistics board INS said more
Number Of People Becoming Unemployed Down To New All-Time Low
Romania Unemployment Rate Grows To 4.6% In April
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate grew 0.2 percentage points on month in April 2018, to 4.6%, the country's statistics board said Thursday. more
Romania Unemployment Rate Hits New Record Low Of 4.5% In March 2018
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell 0.1 percentage points in March 2018 compared with February, to 4.5%, reaching a new record low, data from the country's statistics board showed more
Romania Unemployment Rate At 4.6% In February
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate stood at 4.6% in February 2018, unchanged from January 2018, data from the country's statistics board showed Wednesday. more
Romania Unemployment At 4.6% in December 2017
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell 0.1 percentage points in December 2017 compared with November, to 4.6%, the country's statistics board said Wednesday. more
Romania Unemployment Rate At 4.7% In November 2017
Romania Unemployment Rate at 4.7% in Third Quarter
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate stood at 4.7% in the third quarter, compared with 4.8% in the second quarter, the country's statistics board said Friday. more
Romania Unemployment Rate at 4.9% in October
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate remained unchanged in October compared with September, at 4.9%, the country's statistics board said Wednesday. more
Romania Unemployment Rate at 5.1% in August
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell 0.1 percentage points in August compared with July, to 5.1%, the country's statistics board said Monday. more
Romania Unemployment Rate at 4.8% in 2Q
Romania's unemployment rate stood at 4.8% in the second quarter of 2017, down from 5.5% in the first quarter, data from the country's statistics board showed Wednesday. more
Eurostat: Romania’s Unemployment Rate Below EU Average In July 2017
Eurostat: Italy, Romania, Greece Had Highest NEET Rates in 2016
Italy, Romania and Greece had the highest rates of young people aged 20-24 neither in employment nor in education or training (NEET) in 2016, data from the EU statistics bureau Eurostat showed Friday. more
Romania Unemployment Rate at 5.3% in June
Romania's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate fell 0.1 percentage points in June compared with May, to 5.3%, the country's statistics board said Monday. more