Corporate Lending Up to RON3.9B in October, 14-Year Monthly Peak

Banks in Romania granted 3.9 billion lei in new leu loans to companies in October, an increase of RON1.3 billion or 50.5% on the year-ago month. Corporate lending reached the highest level of the year in October as well as the highest monthly level in 14 years.
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Provides Guarantee On EUR40M Loan To Omnia Romania
Banca Transilvania (stock symbol: BT) is lending EUR40 million to Omnia Europe SA (Omnia Romania), a leading corn starch producer and owner of the... more
Finance Ministry Raises EUR2.2B From Banks Via Two Bond Issues On Dec. 12
Romania's Finance Ministry raised EUR2.28 billion from banks on Wednesday (Nov 27), selling government paper in two auctions, at annual average... more
Owner Of Bucharest's Unirii View Office Building Gets EUR29.5M Credit Facility From BCR To Refinance Bank Loan
The company Unirii View S.R.L., part of Weerts Group and the developer of Bucharest-based office building Unirii View Tower, has accessed a credit... more
Patria Credit Signs Agreement With European Investment Fund For Nearly RON300M Loan Guarantees To Farmers
Patria Credit IFN SA, a non-bank financial institution part of Patria Bank Group, has announced on Dec. 11 that it has signed an agreement with the... more
Garanti BBVA Leasing Takes Out EUR20M Loan from BSTDB To Aid Romania SMEs
Garanti BBVA Leasing, part of Garanti BBVA Romania, is strengthening its commitment to support SMEs in Romania by taking out a EUR20 million loan... more
Mircea Cotiga Takes Over As CEO Of TechVentures Bank
Mircea Cotiga, with 16 years of experience in the financial sector and six years as entrepreneur, has taken over the position of Chief Financial... more
Romania's Central Bank Approves Internal Regulation On General Framework For Emergency Liquidity Assistance
Romania's central bank has announced in a press statement on Dec.10 that its Board of Directors approved on September 30, 2024 the Internal... more
Finance Ministry Raises Nearly RON2B From Banks Via Two Bond Issues On Dec 9
Romania's Finance Ministry raised roughly RON2 billion from banks on Monday (Dec 9.), selling government paper in two auctions, at annual average... more
Bucharest Stock Exchange Launches Revised Corporate Governance Code For Romanian Market With EBRD Support
The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) has published on Monday (Dec. 9) the revised corporate governance code for the Romanian market, which was... more
Romania To Launch This Year's Last Edition Of TEZAUR Treasury Bills Program, On Dec 9
Romania’s finance ministry has announced on Friday (Dec 6, 2024) that it will launch this year's last edition of the TEZAUR Treasury bills... more
Salt Bank Wins Award for Best Use of Tech in Retail Banking at London Banking Tech Awards 2024
Salt Bank, the first Romanian neobank, has won the award for Best Use of Tech in Retail Banking at London Banking Tech Awards 2024, with the... more
"The Banker”, Part Of "Financial Times" Group, Designates BRD As "Bank Of The Year In Romania" For 2nd Straight Year
BRD Groupe Societe Generale was designated "Bank of the Year in Romania" for the second consecutive year, during the ceremony organized on December... more
Dennis Rijksen To Take Over As CEO Of ING Hubs Romania Starting Jan 1, 2025
ING Hubs Romania, a global technology hub that provides more than 150 software development, data management, non-financial risk and audit services,... more
CFA Romania Analysts: Economic Confidence Plummets amid Extremely High Political Uncertainty and Soaring Investor Risk Aversion
The Macroeconomic Confidence Index of CFA Romania Association plunged in November by 13.5 points to 31.4 points, the lowest level since July 2020,... more
Clifford Chance Badea Assisted Banks in CEC Bank’s Latest EUR300M Bond Issue
Clifford Chance Badea and Clifford Chance Frankfurt have assisted Erste Group Bank A.G. and ING Bank N.V. as Joint Lead Manager and Co-Arrangers,... more
Costin Mincovici Appointed Member Of tbi bank’s Management Board
tbi bank, one of the leading challenger banks in Southeast Europe, has announced the appointment of Costin Mincovici, the bank’s Chief Credit... more
Kearney: Over Half of Banking Interactions in Romania for New Product Purchases Are Entirely Digital, Almost Double from 2020
More than half (57%) of interactions Romanians have with their banks for new product purchases are digital, a level that is almost double the 2020... more
iBanFirst: Forex Market Outlooks in 2025
High volatility, rising global trade tensions, US dollar strength and a stable EUR/RON exchange rate are several forex market tendencies in 2025,... more
Finance Ministry Raises RON710M From Banks On Dec 2
Romania's Finance Ministry raised RON710 million from banks on Monday (Dec 2, 2024) selling benchmark bonds, at an annual average yield of 7.18%. more
Dentons Advises CEC Bank On Update Of Its Medium-Term Note Program, On EUR300M Senior Non-Preferred Eligible Notes Issuance
Global law firm Dentons has announced in a press statement on Dec 2 that it has advised CEC Bank on the update of its existing Medium-Term Note... more

The Ministry of Energy and the companies Reţele Electrice Muntenia, Reţele Electrice Banat and Reţele Electrice Dobrogea (part of
More than 3,600 companies went insolvent in the first half of 2024, which translates into a 5.8% increase compared to the first six
Romania's energy ministry has signed 27 financing contracts worth a total RON138.2 million which target investments in the local
Bucharest’s short-term rental market had a booming post-pandemic evolution considering that in 2023 alone, the industry generated
The volume of real estate deals in Romania posted an 131% advance in the first half of this year, to EUR418 million, marking the
The assets of open-end equity funds in Romania, which have three times fewer investors than bond and fixed income funds, increased by
Romania smartphone market is expected to be flat at around 3.5-3.6 million units this year as in recent years there’s been a downward
Fiscal deficits will remain elevated in Romania in the medium term: 4.7% of GDP (cash basis) in 2024, compared to the 2.9% target set
Survey: Romania Could Increase Its GDP By 10% Until 2050 By Boosting Savings
Romania could increase its gross domestic product (GDP) by 10% until 2050, generating an additional contribution of EUR575 billion by boosting savings and redirecting them towards lucrative investments, according to a survey conducted by McKinsey&Company in spring 2022.